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NCMA Norfolk NSY - Monthly


Treasurer's Report 2015-Feb

Written by Eric Kline. Posted in Norfolk - Treasurer's Reports

09 February 2015
From: Bill Welch
To: NCMA Officers and Membership
Subj: NCMA Monthly Treasurer’s Report, February 2015

1. Summary: Our last treasurer report dated 14 January 2015 reflected a checking balance of $6,319.73. As of 1130, Monday, 09 February 2015, the available checking balance is $3,924.36 (including outstanding obligations). The following paragraphs summarize NCMA financial activity since our last report.

2. Financial activity since last report includes the following transactions:

  1. Two payroll member dues deposits, totaling $1612.00.
  2. Payroll deposit of $812.00 on 1/16/15.
  3. Payroll deposit of $800.00 on 1/30/15.
  4. One deposit was made totaling $26.00 on 1/22/15 for quarterly membership dues.
  5. One transfer of $50.00 from Checking to Savings for Check #1590 dated 2/21/2012 which has never cleared.
  6. Four checks have cleared the Credit Union since last report totaling $877.50.
  7. Check #1571 for $227.50 to NNSY Co-Op for January Meeting Lunches cleared on 1/20/15.
  8. Check #1472 for $250.00 to Karen B. Wilson for 2014 Apprentice Award cleared on 1/28/15.
  9. Check #1573 for $250.00 to E. Street for Portsmouth Partnership - Van H. Lefcoat Leadership Course at Portsmouth VA cleared on 1/28/15.
  10. Check #1574 for $150.00 to Nauticus for Sponsorship of Mid-Atlantic Underwater Robotic Competition cleared on 1/30/15.
  11. Three checks have not yet cleared the Credit Union, totaling $ 3,105.87 as of this report:
  12. Check #1555 for $22.87 to R. Russell for Christmas party
  13. Check #1572 for $38.00 to M. Regna for lunch food and drinks.
  14. Check #1475 for $3,045.00 to NCMA National to cover first-half 2015 membership dues.

3. Account Status (as of 09 February 2015 via Northern Star Credit Union website):

AcctTypeBalanceAvailable74444-S61Non MB Savings$174.67$149.6774444-S67Non MB Checking$7,030.23$3,924.36 Totals:$7,204.90$4,074.03

4. Questions or concerns on this report may be directed to Bill Welch at (757) 396-5519.

/signature on file/
R/ Bill Welch
NCMA Treasurer

NNSY - 11FEB2015 - Minutes

Written by Eric Kline. Posted in Norfolk - Meeting Minutes

NCMA Meeting Minutes 2/11/2015


PRESIDENT – Larry Reese called the meeting to order at 1115 with the blessing of the food offered by Pasts President Bret Lee, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. This being the quarterly ‘Real Meal’ event, the membership and guests enjoyed ‘Breakfast for Lunch’. There were 52 members and guests in attendance.

Visitor Name: Shop/Code: Guest of:  Doug Irwin C100PI Mr. Mike Regna  Keith Panter C100PIMr. Mike Regna  Danielle Larrew Code 1141Mr. Mike Regna  Dave Schaffer Code 1141Mr. Mike Regna Mark Everett C240Mr. Larry Reese Kelly Souders C244AMr. Larry Reese




VICE PRESIDENT REPORT – Mr. Michael Regna - Provided a report on recent efforts to host a learning cell stemming from the accountability and responsibility discussions from last fall. An announcement will be made shortly.


Our chapter was requested to procure an American flag and have it flown over NNSY in honor of the upcoming retirement of member, Cleve Butts, NAVSEA 04XC. We will forward the flag to the other shipyards for presentation next month at Cleve’s retirement ceremony.


TREASURER REPORT – January Treasurer’s report was provided for review, discussion and adopted.


SECRETARY Report – Mr. Scott Sikora December and January minutes were provided for review discussion and adopted. October and November (backlog) will be forwarded for review prior to next meeting.


COMMITTEE REPORTS Committees with no reports are omitted.


o MEMBERSHIP – Mr. Bret Lee (chair), Mr. Michael Regna (Officer) : We will be announcing a new membership drive for the spring season with another chance for a drawing. More details to follow.


o SCHOLARSHIP – Mr. Tim Ribble (Chair), Mr. Larry Reese (Officer): Our chapter voted in a fourth Scholarship recipient starting this year (budget of $2000 now). The scholarship announcement has gone out via Service to the Fleet. Membership is asked to promote and participate. We are looking for volunteers to serve on the Scholarship Committee this year. Tim will be retiring this year so we are also looking for a new chairman.


o SOCIAL – Ms. Renée Russell (Chair), Mr. Scott Sikora (Officer) : The special Christmas sub-committee has concluded their search and came up with three recommendations, as well as ‘staying with Dry Dock Club’ as fourth option. An e-mail for voting will be sent to the membership for final selection.


o GOOD AND WELFARE – Ms. Renée Russell (Chair), Mr. Michael Regna (Officer): Renee reports that Mr. Bogle (member) is a new Grandfather! There are two bereavements to report: Larry Crane and his brother Bobby, lost their dad. Terry Burrier also lost her dad.


o WEB SITE COMMITTEE – Mr. Mike Regna (Chair), Mr. Bill Welch (Officer): Members are asked to check out our new website Anyone can browse but access to the Chapter page requires a login and password. Both are available for each member. Contact Mike Regna for access.


o SPEAKER COMMITTEE – Mr. Jimmy Broom (Chair), Mr. Larry Reese (Officer) – Jimmy reports that we are beginning our shipyard improvement lecture series today which will center around the NNSY shipyard improvement principles and committee heads as outlined by our new Commanding Officer Scott Brown. More to come.


RECENT HAPPENING’S (OLD BUSINESS TOPICS) – President reviewed recent events since our last meeting. Our chapter provided volunteers to assist as greeters and ushers at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. remembrance ceremony in January. A good number of volunteers worked in an in-reach project to clean the walkway in the old section of the shipyard. Last Saturday, members joined the President at a Dutch treat Valentine’s Day social at Olive Garden in the Greenbrier section of Chesapeake. Each participant was given a small valentines gift.


NEW BUSINESS – The Vice President announced the January Manage-Mint recipient, Kelly Souders, Code 244A. Kelly consistently illustrates a commitment to excellence and high standards in a manner that inspires others. Her dedication, calm demeanor, and overall extremely high quality of work is second to none. Her ability to consistently identify first time corrective solutions is a result of the command and widespread knowledge she possesses of project management.


NCMA is looking for volunteers to help at the Southeastern Food Bank in Norfolk, from 9:00 AM to Noon on Saturday, 28 March. Last year over 30 members and guests volunteered at the event.


Ms. Fulwood provided a discussion on the upcoming Science, Technology, Education and Mathematics (STEM) career day (two day event) on April 15 and 16, 2015 at Granby and Western Branch High Schools. A request was made to assist with funding students with lunch both days by donating a third of the overall cost. A proposal was made, seconded, and after discussion, unanimously voted to approve.


NCMA is again adding our time, talents and donations to support the Craddock Little League as they spruce-up the facility in preparation for the spring Baseball season. Brett Lee will provide the details as the league identifies the needs for this year.


NCMA has been asked again this year to provide judges at the South eastern Mid-Atlantic Regional ROV Underwater Robotics Completion to be held Saturday, May 2, 2015 at Old Dominion University Aquatics Center from 8 AM to 4 PM. Judges will serve to perform Safety, performance, and overall design characteristic of robotic machines made by schools from the region (Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, and North Carolina).


NCMA will be having the annual Brass-Wheel Golf Tournament again at Bid-a-Wee Golf Course in Portsmouth Virginia, on Wednesday, June 3rd. As in the past, we will have the Military ‘Brass’ compete against the Shipyard ‘Wheels’ for annual bragging rights. More details will follow as they become available.


The next NCMA meeting will be held Wednesday, 11 March 2015, Building 16.


Our NCMA Guest Speaker: Our guest speaker for the meeting was Mr. Robert Fogel, Code 901, who provided a talk on the Shipyard Improvement plan.




Mr. Fogel started his talk by asking the members, ‘How do you think we are doing as a shipyard’? Everyone agreed that things are not well at NNSY. We are ‘America’s Shipyard’ but not known for it publicly. Our shipyard is the oldest, and has some ‘firsts’ in our history. Such firsts as: First aircraft carrier, first battleship, first ironclad, and so on. But, what is the public’s recent perception about NNSY? We had a records problem, training issues, and recently, a spy in our midst. What’s the good news? We are hiring 1500 in the near future.


We need to work to regain the public trust as ‘America’s Shipyard’. We need to implement a holistic plan for improving the shipyard to reach that end. In keeping with our Commanding Officer’s initiatives, we will focus on ‘brilliant on the basics’, service, and well-being through principles of Honor, Courage and Commitment – all aligned with the Navy.


We need to get back to the inherent values, (i.e., eight hours pay for eight hours of work). This is not an option, actually it’s the law. Four for 12 on the weekend is illegal, yet it was happening. We need to ask ourselves, ‘Why is that accepted? What is driving such behavior?’ We need to maintain a lasting performance improvement cadence, and not rest on what has been achieved from past actions. Learning cells add value but it is not the entire solution.


What is our shared vision at NNSY? What do we want the public to think about us as ‘the shipyard’? We need a systematic improvement effort to work on getting this done. For us, there is no middle ground; we are going up or down. If we are not improving in this business, we are getting worse.


Do we empower our folks? Do we have trust throughout the organization? We will strive towards increasing accountability. There is an increase in shipyard disciplinary actions this year (with most in time and attendance). That’s negative reinforcement. What about positive reinforcement? Is that possible in our environment? Yes, it is. Owning up to accountability, is this hard to do? Yes, it is. But as managers, we have to step up to the challenge. Immediately address poor behavior. We naturally want to point our fingers at someone else when it is behavioral, when in reality; it is usually ourselves not facing the issue. We fail to solve problems at the lowest level. Yes, cumbersome work practices exist. Things can be confusing. But we should not be complacent either. If we are not following the process, is it the process’ fault? Not necessarily. Don’t be complacent!


How effective are we as Supervisors? Are we empowered? Is the solution to put more supervisors on the waterfront? How well are we training our people. We talk a good game, but how (as managers) are we delivering? Some of the elements towards improvement lie in leadership, supervision, HR development, training, dedication and redevelopment of the training organizations, capital investments in our infrastructure. Ask: Where can you help. What are you doing today to make a difference?


How engaged is our workforce? Do we overstaff projects, drive inefficiencies or tend to be unresponsive? We have to engage good people to go out and win. When it comes to performance, don’t worry about everybody else, worry about ‘me’. Together, we own the way forward. We are America’s shipyard!


No further business appearing, the meeting was adjourned at 1230 PM.


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